Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Altered States

I have been walking in a mild daze since my Mom’s death.  Yet there have been so many moments of kindness from all of my friends and from her friends, and from new friends.  And as I settle her affairs, I am helped every step of the way by her incredible, careful attention to detail.  Small notes everywhere answer questions and all of her affairs are in order.  I feel her presence at all times, as I go up north to take care of her stuff, when I played the concerto concert last week with Guy, in everything that I do.
Now, just as spring has come to this part of the world, my old Dad is starting 7 weeks of radiation treatments.   He is both frail and strong, completely willing to take the time, face the challenge and to take a shot at staying longer on this beautiful Earth.  He always reminds me to dig in and enjoy every second while I can.
My students have been very patient and we are getting ready for their recitals and juries.  Concerts and recordings are coming up and I feel like I have been on a long journey and am starting to accept that "normal" means "ever changing".  It is good to be home.

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